BRADENTON -- Community Christian School's senior high band places first at the annual National Fine Arts Competiton in Greenville, South Carolina in April.
Band students at Community Christian placed first at the National Fine Arts Competition. |
As a nationally and regionally accredited school, Community Christian has the opportunity to participate in an annual national-level fine arts competition.
Ron Porch, twenty-one year veteran teacher at Community, has taken the band to perform six times at nationals since 2004. Of those six times, the band has been awarded first place five times and second place once.
Community Christian was established in 1968 as a ministry of Community Baptist Church and has graduated seniors since the late 1970's.
The school, also, has a full kindergarten through high school academic program.
It has year-round childcare with ages two through four-years-old preschool classes, and it is accredited-certified by the SSACS Assocaiton.
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