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Community Happy Veterans Day from The Bradenton Times

https://www.thebradentontimes.com/clientuploads/Holidays/memorial day 3 bw.jpg
photo by Dale Ann Clancy

BRADENTON – Veterans Day is a national holiday in which we show appreciation to those who have served their country in the armed forces. The holiday dates back to 1919. It was originally called Armistice Day and its date celebrates the German surrender that ended the First World War. In 1954, Congress amended the holiday to be known as Veterans Day to honor all of America's veterans.

For a time, its celebration was moved to the fourth Monday of November as part of the Uniform Holiday Act, but a popular movement won reinstitution of the original date in 1978. Since that time, there has been a trend away from business and school closings in observance of the holiday.

The Bradenton Times would like to take this opportunity to salute the Americans in our readership and all throughout our nation that have served this great country, while sending our thoughts and prayers to the soldiers and families of soldiers that are currently in harm's way.


Remembering the Forgotten Veterans All Around Us


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