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Community Spotlight: 180 MTI Students Inducted in Honor Society


BRADENTON – Manatee Technical Institute inducted 180 students into the National Technical Honor Society in Cantrell Hall on Wednesday night. Induction into the honor society is one of America’s highest awards for excellence in career and technical education.

The inductees represent the top tier of students currently enrolled in postsecondary career-preparation programs at MTI. They were nominated by their instructors for their skill, honesty, service, responsibility, scholarship, citizenship and leadership.  
Dr. Mary Cantrell made opening remarks. MTI guidance counselor and NTHS advisor Vickie Miller led the ceremony assisted by career counselors Terri Parrish, Kristal Holmes, Ronai Krugh and Kathy Matthews.  
Doug Wagner, director of Adult, Career and Technical Education for the School District of Manatee County, joined Cantrell, and MTI assistant directors Dr. Priscilla Haflich and Sue Downs and individual program instructors in congratulating each student as they were inducted into the honor society with lifelong membership.  
The ceremony concluded with students reciting the pledge of membership in unison.  
In closing remarks, Wagner acknowledged the students for the wise choice they have made with their time in education. “There are 86,400 seconds in each day. Each day we make decisions on how we use that time. You are to be commended for your wise choices.”