BRADENTON – Center Montessori School is proud to announce that with the profits earned from the Center’s Annual Holiday Gift Shop, a large donation was made to the American Red Cross. The donation will specifically benefit fellow citizens in the North affected by the tragedy of Hurricane Sandy.
Center Montessori students raised $1,000 to donate to the American Red Cross for assisting those in need from the hurricane's devastation. First, second and third grade students ran a Holiday Gift shop in December and decided to donate the profits from the gift shop to help others.
A large check will be presented by the students to an American Red Cross representative on Friday, January 25th at Center Montessori School.
CMS would like to express its appreciation to every Center family who supported the shop, as well as all of the parents who helped wrap the children’s presents.
For more information about Center Montessori School, please visit the school's website at
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