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Community Spotlight Community Spotlight: MTI Law Enforcement Academy Graduation


BRADENTON – Wednesday, December 19, the Manatee Technical Institute Law Enforcement Academy graduated five basic recruits at 5 p.m. at the Bayshore High School Auditorium.

Class leader George M. Schrenk IV presented Academy Director Mike Rushing Sr. with the class plaque. Three of four special awards went to Schrenk for Class Leader, Dale

Earnhardt Best Driver and Top Gun Award. The Highest Academic Achievement award went to classmate George A. Bryant, who had the best test average of 98.76 percent.

Other graduates included Christopher Bennett, Joseph Berry, Robert Montgomery and Jonathan Then.

Guest speaker Manatee County Sheriff Brad Steube addressed the class. Steube advised graduates to set goals, continue their education, remember they are public servants, and to have integrity at all times. He also encouraged them to put God and family before self and career. Chief Rick Wells, Palmetto Police Department, gave the invocation and benediction. MTI Director Mary Cantrell, PhD, gave the opening remarks.

Successful completion of the Law Enforcement Academy at MTI makes one eligible to take the State Certified Examination for Law Enforcement, the required test to become a Certified Law Enforcement Officer in the State of Florida. For more information on the MTI Law Enforcement Academy, please contact Director Mike Rushing at rushingm@manateeschools.net.