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Community Spotlight: CS&L CPAs Wins Four FPRA Image Awards for Recruiting Initiatives


Marissa Rossnagle (CS&L CPAs Marketing Specialist),

Aubrey Lynch (CS&L CPAs Recruiting Principal), Craig

Worsham (82West Marketing), accepting FPRA Image Awards

Local public accounting firm, CS&L CPAs, won four awards at the annual Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) Image Awards Luncheon on Wednesday, April 16. The firm was honored for their innovative recruiting initiatives in 2013, which included the use of video and print collateral.

The CS&L recruiting brochurewon an Award of Distinction in the "Printed Tools of Public Relations" category. The recruiting video won an Image Award, a Judge's Choice Awardand a Grand Image Award in the "Audio/Visual/Online Tools of Public Relations" category. 82° West Marketing filmed and edited the recruiting video.

The annual FPRA Image Awards competition recognizes outstanding Public Relations efforts in our community.