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Community Spotlight: Ellenton-Parrish Lions Club, Iberia Bank Hold Community Eyeglass Drive


Ellenton-Parrish Lions Club and Iberia Bank held an eye glass drive during the month of July in their Manatee/Sarasota branches. 511 pair of glasses, 130 pair of sunglasses and 186 eye glass cases were collected.

Iberia Bank representatives had all the glasses laid out for a photo op when the glasses were picked up by two Lions. Iberia Bank has expressed interest in holding the drive again next year and they are also hoping to expand it to other counties in the state.

For more information about the Ellenton-Parrish Lions Club, visit EllentonParrishFL.LionWAP.org.


Pictured left to right are: Lion Linda Courtright, President of Ellenton-Parrish Lions, Lion Phil Courtright, and from Iberia Bank:  Jeff Radcliffe - Market President; Andy Kirkman - Retail Market Manager, Donna Mateer – Downtown Sarasota Assistant Manager, David Boehm – Business Banker, and Mike Beitzinger – Downtown Sarasota Branch Manager


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