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Community Spotlight: Employees of The Eye Associates Raise Money for Oklahoma Tornado Victims


SARASOTA – The employees of The Eye Associates recently emptied their pockets for a dress down day to benefit the victims of the recent tornadoes in Oklahoma.

At the suggestion of staff member Donette Butler, they raised $805 in just one day. Every staff member was allowed to ‘dress down’ out of uniform for one day, with the hopes that they would make a donation to the Red Cross. “I had family in Alabama affected by the tornados in the past and know how helpful the Red Cross was to them. I wanted to do something to help the Oklahoma families as my family had been helped,” said Butler. The Eye Associates sponsored a similar fundraiser for the Alabama tornado victims.

The Eye Associates’ CEO, John Swencki presented the check to Jeanne Slater, Chairman of the Board of the SW Florida Chapter of the Red Cross. An average of 91 cents out of every dollar donated goes to fulfill the Red Cross’ humanitarian missions. Butler said, “We are also hoping to challenge other medical practices to plan a Red Cross dress down day. I bet their employees will be as giving as ours have been.”

About The Eye Associates

The Eye Associates has six locations with nine medical Ophthalmologists covering the specialties of Cataracts, Cornea, Glaucoma, Retina, LASIK, Oculo-Plastics and Cosmetic Surgery. Five Board Certified Optometrists are on staff for routine primary eyecare, contact lenses and computer vision. A Board Certified Dermatologist and a Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist are also part of the Eye Associates team. New patients are always cordially welcomed. For more informaion about TEA, visit www.TheEyeAssociates.com.


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