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Community Spotlight: Manatee Glens Rape Crisis Center Earns Certification

Mary Ruiz, Manatee Glens President/CEO

BRADENTON – Manatee Glens Rape Crisis Center has again earned its certification by the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence (FCASV). This signifies that the Rape Crisis Center meets the highest standards of care. Because of the staff and trained volunteers, more victims receive help and are able to begin the healing process.

“This re-certification makes us statewide leaders in rape crisis services,” said Manatee Glens President/CEO Mary Ruiz. “We are honored to be recognized for the service we provide these victims. We truly believe we are providing the best service possible.”

Manatee Glens is also celebrating this month the first anniversary of the SANE Center. In February 2012, Manatee Glens and its partner Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida, formed the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program to provide forensic exams for sexual assault victims.

Manatee Glens works closely with the local hospitals as well as the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) and law enforcement to provide these services. Manatee Glens has served 59 victims of sexual assault in its first year in operation. These victims receive counseling, assistance and support through the legal system if they choose to press charges, and help with victims’ assistance funds. Victims of trauma need someone who is really looking out for them. The staff and volunteers in Manatee Glens Rape Crisis program are committed, positive, open-minded, compassionate and supportive.

According to the certification report, the Manatee Glens Rape Crisis Center is an excellent program that provides all required services. The report from the monitors praised Manatee Glens Rape Crisis Counselors because they “never say no to anyone... Their purpose is to eliminate rape. This spirit was evident in all staff…”

The monitors were also pleased with the Rape Crisis Center’s warm and inviting location. The offices were considered comfortable and private and good for counseling sessions.

Manatee Glens is a specialty hospital and outpatient practice in the Tampa Bay area. The organization specializes in adult and childhood mental health and addiction disorders,  including: 

  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Bipolar and Schizophrenia Disorders
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
  • Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity
  • Alcohol, Drug and Prescription Pain Medication Abuse

More information about Manatee can be viewed at www.manateeglens.org.