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Community Spotlight: Meals on Wheels PLUS Endowment Fund Reaches Milestone

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Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee is pleased to announce that its Endowment Fund with the Manatee Community Foundation now exceeds $100,000. The fund was established in 2010 as a way for the organization to move toward self-sufficiency in light of declining government funding. These cuts are becoming more severe, so the Endowment Fund is critical for sustaining Meals on Wheels PLUS programs and services.

It accompanies other efforts for earned income that will help support programs for seniors and the hungry.

“The need for Meals on Wheels PLUS services is not going to go away,” said Kristen Theisen, Chief Development Officer. “The Endowment Fund is a way to be proactive and ensure that we can provide for our community. Our hope is that charitable-minded community members will contribute and leave a legacy that will allow Meals on Wheels PLUS to assist individuals in need for years to come.”

The goal for the Meals on Wheels PLUS Endowment Fund is that it will grow to $1 Million over the next five years. For details on the Endowment Fund, contact Kristen Theisen at 941-749-0100.


About Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee – Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee is a 4-Star Charity, as rated by Charity Navigator, America’s premier independent charity evaluator and is the winner of the 2013 Overall Non-Profit of the Year by the Tampa Bay Business Journal.

Since 1972, Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee has been providing nutritional assistance and caring, supportive services to individuals in their homes or in centers throughout Manatee County, helping them to continue to live independently. Over 60 percent of the Meals on Wheels PLUS funds must be raised through local donations, grants, and fundraising projects. For information on how to donate or volunteer, go to www.mealsonwheelsplus.org or call 941-747-4655.