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SARASOTA – University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee recently welcomed 10 new members to the Community Leadership Council (CLC) for 2013-13. This group of community and business leaders from the Sarasota-Manatee County area represent varied industries and sectors and more than 25,000 employees.
The CLC's purpose is to advise the USF Sarasota-Manatee Campus Board and management team about program and service priorities, and advocate as well as present information on campus priorities to the community and elected officials. The CLC meets quarterly on the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus.
The newest members include:
Michael Crosby, president, Mote Laboratory; Daniel Forbes, Financial Adviser, the Mackey/Forbes Group Merrill Lynch; Teri Hansen, president and CEO, Gulf Coast Community Foundation; Marilyn Howard, executive director, Manatee Community Foundation; Todd Hughes, Student Government Association president USFSM; Roxie Jerde, president and CEO, Community Foundation of Sarasota County; Rick Mills, superintendent, Manatee County Schools; Tracy O’Neill (USFSM alumn); Carol Probstfeld, president, State College of Florida and Laddison Waldo, president, Easter Seals Southwest Florida.
Other members of the Community Leadership Council include:
Dan Bailey Jr., David Band, Bob Bartz, Kathy Black, Carl Cannova, Jeanne Corcoran, Jim Delgado, Amy Drake, David Eckel, Larry Fineberg, Brian Flynn, Roger Frazee, Dan Friedrich, Rich Gerrity, Patricia Glass, Cesar Gomez, Karin Grablin, Joe Gruters, Sharon Hillstrom, Mark Huey, Mona Jain, Kelly Kirschner, Jason Krywko, Allan Lane, Kumar Mahadevan, Gene Matthews, Mike McCoy, Steve Mixson, Sally Piccolo, Jan Pullen, Steve Queior, Ron Reagan, Patrick Roff, H. Hamilton Rice, Mark Richmond, Gilbert A. Smith Jr., Lindy Smith, Olivia Thomas, Jean Trammell, JoAnn Urofsky, Dr. Richard Wharton, Lori White, Derek Williams and Ernie Withers.
For more information on the Community Leadership Council, please visit: usfsm.edu/administration/clc.
About USF Sarasota-Manatee (USFSM)
USF Sarasota-Manatee is a comprehensive, four-year university for those interested in pursuing a baccalaureate or master’s degree, professional certification, or continuing education credit. USFSM offers the prestige of a nationally ranked research university with the convenience of a hometown location, including classes in North Port and Manatee County. For more information, visit www.usfsm.edu.
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