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Community State Officials Provide Resources for Hurricane Sandy Donations


TALLAHASSEE - In response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy in the northeast United States, Florida's emergency officials are urging Floridians to donate, while also warning to take certain precautions. State officials say that citizens and businesses witnessing Sandy's devastation and wishing to help those impacted should follow these guidelines to ensure your donations do the most good for the most people.

"As the most hurricane prone state in the nation, we know that disasters can be devastating," said Florida Division of Emergency Management Director Bryan W. Koon. "Through donations and assistance from across Florida, we can help the northeast states recover and rebuild after Hurricane Sandy."

Individuals interested in assisting individuals impacted by Hurricane Sandy should visit www.VolunteerFlorida.org. The best way to help is to donate cash through a reputable relief organization. Donating cash through established relief organizations allows for versatility to meet needs as they arise. If you have goods to donate, be sure to confirm the need through a relief organization before donating.

The private sector can also provide much-needed aid in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Businesses are encouraged to contact the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Industry Liaison Program. The Industry Liaison program can be reached at FEMA-Industry@dhs.gov or 202-646-1895.

The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs from June 1 - November 30. Visit www.FloridaDisaster.org to Get A Plan! For the latest information on the 2012 Hurricane Season, follow FDEM on Twitter at @FLSERT, on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/FloridaSERT and on Google+ at FLSERT.


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