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Community Why I am Running for Manatee County Commission



My name is Corie Holmes and I am lifelong resident of north Manatee County. I have served my community in the Manatee County Sheriff's Office, first as a volunteer for 6 years, then for 6 more as deputy. I love my community and have taken a sincere pledge to keep it safe.

I take pride in my commitment to community service and I currently work with A.C.T., an active non-profit organization that teaches life skills to at-risk youth in the Manatee County and Sarasota County area. My interest is in rebuilding our community, while providing a safer foundation for its citizens. I believe strongly in the slogan "The people's vote is their voice".

I plan to create a public outreach program to invest in the well being of the senior population of Manatee County. A vast number of services are available to these citizens, though few know how to navigate the programs. My goal is to make them more accessible so that they might aid in improving their quality of life. I will visit you this campaign season to discuss things like Medigap, veteran's rights and other benefits for our seniors.

My commitment is to the people of Manatee County - not to any outside agency or interests. I will always fight to raise your quality of life and I believe that in this time in history, we need people to come together to focus on what's best for our collective community.

Our teachers in Manatee County have just suffered another budget cut. Adding more growth faster would further impact our whole county's funding. I pledge to promote better growth ideas (redevelop urban core areas)in our community and contest that every child can have a quality education without undue tax burdens that occur when development gets a free ride.

My main objective is to listen to the citizens of Manatee County and to act on their behalf. My campaign will not be about bowing to the developers, or other interests who wish to make a profit at the expense of our quality of life as residents. Growing up in Palmetto and the surrounding areas, I am intimately familiar with the endless beauty of our pristine community, as well as the hard working men and women who live here and make it what it is.

I know much of our economy is based in our local resources to supply jobs in various industries. There are many treasures in Manatee County that must be preserved. I promise to be a guardian for our community. From working with children and launching campaigns for others, to using my investigative abilities to understand each large business dealing of government, I plead to always work for the citizens of my hometown.

Now, I need to ask my community for that same kind of support. I am running for Manatee County Commission, District 1. You are receiving this letter because you are in my district. I hope you will consider helping me achieve this vision for a safer more prosperous Manatee County.

Please feel free to call me to discuss any issues you may have with your precinct.


Corie Holmes