BRADENTON – On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s approval of a proposed constitutional amendment that would put limits on political spending was sent back to Congress and the state, giving the movement a major victory, as the matter will now move to the Senate floor where members will have to take a position on the controversial subject.
“This amendment (click to read) will begin to repair the damage to our democracy that comes with unlimited money in our elections. We call on all senators to support it when it comes to a full Senate vote later this year,” said Miles Rapoport, President of Common Cause, the group who led the thrust for the amendment.
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) introduced the bill and has been calling on members of Congress to join him in creating a legislative solution to recent Supreme Court decisions which have interpreted 1st Amendment rights as not only protecting U.S. citizens but corporations. Support for campaign finance reform is high among citizens of all ideological stripes.
“Americans all across the political spectrum recognize that a series of Supreme Court decisions have invited corporations, special interest groups and the richest 1 percent of our citizens to use their immense resources to drown out other voices," added Rapoport. "We commend Sen. Tom Udall for bringing forward this sensible proposal to strengthen the First Amendment and look forward to working with senators to pass it.”
Common Cause led campaigns in 2012 in both Colorado and Montana that provided the first demonstration of strong public support for an amendment to reverse the decisions in Citizens United, McCutcheon and other campaign finance cases.
“We recognize that the amendment process is challenging,” Rapoport said. “And it should be; as the bedrock of our democracy, the Constitution isn’t something to amend except in the rarest of circumstances. That said, fundamental American values are at stake here and citizens are telling their representatives in Washington that it’s time to act. We urge the House to follow the Senate’s lead promptly and bring SJ Res. 19 to a vote.”
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