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Cortez a Contender in World Fishing Network's Nominees for "Ultimate Fishing Town


BRADENTON – The World Fishing Network channel has included local fishing village Cortez in a list of nominees for its 2013 Ultimate Fishing Town contest.

https://www.thebradentontimes.com/clientuploads/Stock Images/Cortez_Sign.jpg

The contest, which entails a $25,000 donation for a grand prize, and eight regional prizes of $3,500, will be decided by a voting tally on the network's website. 

Cortez is currently competing in WFN's Southeast region in the contest's First Public Voting Period, which will end on May 3. The top 2 winners will go on to the final and Second Public Voting Period. Voting participants may vote four times each day. A minimum of 16 and maximum of 32 towns will advance to the second period, which will end on May 24. Per the network's website, WFN "reserves the right to add two (2) additional finalists per region based on originality, persuasiveness, energy, the nature of the community organization or cause identified into the nomination and taking into account the number of votes received by the community."

The $25,000 grand prize will be used for fishing-related cause(s) in the winning town, and will be highlighted on WFN and WFN HD, with the presented check to the town being broadcasted on the network. 

"This community has done a lot to sustain our fishing community and it would be awesome to win," said Jane von Hahmann, Treasurer for Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage (F.I.S.H.) in Cortez.

For more information about the contest and to participate in the voting process, go to www.worldfishingnetwork.com/uft.