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Council Corner: Patrick Roff, Ward 3

After a long tenure of public service, I am fulfilling my promise to retire at the end of this term. I am joining my beautiful wife Barbara in her recent retirement as she closes the chapter on 35 years of teaching our young.

At this transitional time, we are fortunate to have our daughter Emily and her family return from a decade of living in both Dallas and NYC, and I am pleased to share that Emily is following her parents' lead by choosing the field of public service.

Emily returns with a Doctorate and now serves as a behavioral specialist in the Manatee County School System. I mention this because, for the last 15 years, our goal has been to increase the livability of our town – live, work & play - so that our young people will choose to return and give back to their community; it’s working!

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve you these last 17 years. I am hoping you have been pleased with my efforts, as I can honestly say I did the best I could to serve this great city with integrity and hard work. May God bless Bradenton and all of its citizens.


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