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DeSantis Sworn in for Second Term

TALLAHASSEE – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was sworn in for a second term in a ceremony on the steps of the state's Historic Capitol Building on Tuesday. The governor's speech was widely seen as a preview toward an expected 2024 presidential run.

"When the world lost its mind–when common sense suddenly became an uncommon virtue–Florida was a refuge of sanity, a citadel of freedom for our fellow Americans and even for people around the world," said DeSantis.

The governor also took direct aim at the Biden administration.

"Florida’s success has been made more difficult by the floundering federal establishment in Washington, D.C.," DeSantis said. "The federal government has gone on an inflationary spending binge that has left our nation weaker and our citizens poorer. It has enacted pandemic restrictions and mandates–based more on ideology and politics than on sound science–and this has eroded freedom and stunted commerce."

DeSantis also hit the high notes on divisive rhetoric that has become commonplace in his speeches, referring to Florida as a "law and order state," adding, "We will never surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die."

Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nu–ez and members of the Florida Cabinet also took their oaths of office at the swearing-in ceremony. Click here for video of the ceremony.


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