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Dr. Hank Fishkind to Talk Local Economics at EDC Forecast Breakfast


BRADENTON – Noted Florida economist Henry “Hank” Fishkind will provide insights on local, regional and national economic trends when he addresses the 2014 Economic Forecast Breakfast, Thursday, January 16 at the Manatee Technical Institute's SR 70 campus.


“Dr. Fishkind entertains while he informs, providing insightful analysis to help business owners prepare for what’s ahead in the local, regional and national economy,” said John Rice, owner of Rice’s Appliance and 2014 EDC chair. “Guests at the event also may tour the new Manatee Technical Institute facility immediately following the program.”

With a PhD and over 30 years of experience in economic analysis and forecasting, Fishkind is widely regarded as one of Florida's premier economists and financial advisors. He is a principal of Fishkind & Associates Inc., a 36-member economic and financial consulting firm with extensive experience in economic and fiscal impact analysis, policy studies, forecasting, and finance throughout Florida and the United States.

The event is sponsored by Hancock Bank in partnership with the Bradenton Area Economic Development Corp, and will be held 7:30 - 9:30 a.m. MTI's east campus is located at 6305 S.R. 70 E. in Bradenton.

Cost is $45 for EDC investors, table of 8 for $450; non-investors: $55, table of 8 for $550. Register online at www.ThinkBradentonArea.com, or contact Cindy Unzicker by email, CindyU@thinkbradentonarea.com, or call 941-748-4842, ext. 126.


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