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Guest Commentary

Environmental Priorities 2025


Manasota 88 recently released its list of 2025 environmental priorities for Southwest Florida.

Prohibit the Use of Phosphogypsum in Roads
The EPA recently approved a demonstration project that uses phosphogypsum in road construction.  Phosphogypsum is the radioactive waste product left over from the production of fertilizer, and Florida has a lot of phosphogypsum. 
High radionuclide levels, increased health risks, increased groundwater contamination and lack of state regulatory oversight are some of the many reasons why phosphogypsum should not be used in road construction.

The Environmental Protection Agency and other studies have previously determined that the use of radioactive phosphate gypsum wastes as building materials is unsafe and should not be done. This decision reflects the EPA's past concern that the radium bearing waste, if spread throughout Florida, would present a public health threat that would continue for generations, given radium's 1,630-year radioactive decay half-life. 
More stringent environmental regulation to control the adverse impacts of phosphogypsum is needed. Allowing for the widespread distribution of phosphogypsum for road construction will lead to less oversight of a dangerous waste product. 
Reducing Toxic Pesticide Use in Florida Schools
Pesticides by their very nature are poisons. They are designed to be toxic to a particular plant or animal. Unfortunately, pesticides also pose a danger to human health. Adopting statewide legislation that supports Integrated Pest Management programs in the schools is a positive step in reducing the toxic chemical effects pesticides have on human health.
Off Shore Oil Drilling Continues to Be a Threat to Florida
Oil drilling has placed the Gulf of Mexico, an area of high environmental sensitivity and marine productivity, at risk. Presently the region supports numerous species of wildlife, major commercial and recreational fisheries and several species of endangered animals. ManaSota-88 supports to permanently prohibit the conduct of offshore drilling on the outer Continental Shelf off the State of Florida. There is no need to rush to develop non-renewable natural resources, less environmentally damaging fuels should be used. 
Conservation Easement Compliance Study

An evaluation of conservation easements in Sarasota and Manatee counties need to be surveyed to determine the status of compliance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection permitting criteria. The location and number of sites inspected will depend on available funding and access to the sites.

Stop Swimming in Sewage
Less oversight and reduced regulation of the building industry has made our region a contender for the “Sewage Spill Capitol of the World”. 
Historic mistakes have been made in the past regarding stormwater discharges into our local water bodies. But we have yet to learn from many of these past mistakes. Stormwater treatment facilities are still being constructed and permitted with no required monitoring of their discharge under allowable “presumptive criteria” guidelines. This is a problem, not only in Sarasota and Manatee counties, but also throughout Florida.
Independent compliance sampling of stormwater discharge is needed to document violations of water quality standards. This is made possible through the addition of required sampling by means of specific permit conditions. Unfortunately, such regulatory remedies are seldom, if ever, employed.
Hurricane Evacuation Time Disclosures for Coastal Development is Needed

Disclosure of hurricane evacuation times prior to the purchase or rental of residential property is a significant step toward public safety and awareness. Prospective buyers and renters have the right to know, and should be informed, whether they can or cannot safely evacuate from property they are considering purchasing or renting.   
Air Quality and Growth Needs to be Linked Together

Florida needs to link air quality and growth to comprehensive land use planning. Florida is especially vulnerable to the consequences of climate change, due to its over 8,000 miles of tidal shoreline, with nearly 79% of its population living in coastal counties. Scientific evidence for global warming can no longer be ignored. 
Florida Needs to Adopt a Clean Energy Policy 

A date certain should be adopted by which energy producing utilities must use a certain percentage of renewable energy sources, such as solar. The conservation requirements of electric utilities must be strengthened. We can conserve significant amounts of energy to help meet the nation's goals while developing renewable energy resources.
Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Needs to be Improved

Currently there are no ground water or drinking water standard for Giardiasis, Cryptosporidiosis, or other pathogens except for fecal coliform, all of which can cause serious health threats. Monitoring for viruses in ground water drinking water sources is virtually nonexistent. 
Agricultural Land Conversions

The education of policy makers and landowners involved in setting priorities associated with the agricultural industry will be a critical factor in the protection of our natural resources.  What truly is needed is policy, both on the state and local levels that will protect the environmental integrity of the land and encourage the rebuilding of that which has previously been destroyed.


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