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Film Festival Kicks into High Gear


BRADENTON – The Bradenton Area Movieville Film Festival kicks into overdrive starting with the preview of Heart of the Shore, a documentary chronicling the painstaking recovery of the New Jersey Shore after Hurricane Sandy, Thursday night at the South Florida Museum.

The festival then continues through the weekend with three days of film showings at the Manatee Performing Arts Center, along with a downtown street party and several other glitzy events.

Thursday's Heart of the Shore preview will include a cocktail reception immediately following the film with live entertainment provided by local favorites SolarCoaster. The event is scheduled from 6:30-10:00 p.m. Tickets are $20.

Friday night brings BAMFF's Party on Main Street a downtown mix and mingle where you can enjoy music, food and friends on Old Main Street in this free event scheduled from 6:30–10 p.m.

On Saturday, there is a BAMFF Party at Pier 22 from 6:30–10 p.m. on the Riverfront Deck. Admission is $25.

Movie Screenings will take place Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Manatee Performing Arts Center from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Rather than purchase tickets for individual films, festival attendees can buy one $15 all-day movie pass. For a full schedule of films and screening times, click here.
