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Florida Commission on Ethics Finds Former Commissioner Brown Misused Her Position


MANATEE--The Florida Commission on Ethics decided that former District 2 Commissioner Gwen Brown violated state ethics by using county resources to help with her non-county employment and personal business at its December 3rd meeting in Tallahassee.

Former District 2 Commissioner Brown

Quoting directly from the ethics commission press release: "The Commission found probable cause to believe that Gwendolyn Brown, former Manatee County Commissioner, misused her position and resources by using county employees, copy machines, computers, email, and mail couriers to assist with her outside employment, campaign, and tenant evictions. However, the Commission found no probable cause to believe that she misused County resources by using employees to assist in writing and copying her doctoral thesis."

Dr. Brown was defeated by current District 2 Commissioner Michael Gallen in the August primary. She has since reimbursed the county $1800 for the value of services she received.

If the Ethics Commission members believe a violation of the law may have occurred, they may decide to hold a public hearing. If they conclude a violation has been committed, they may recommend civil penalties and fines up to $10,000 per violation.

Dr. Brown did not comment on the ethics finding pending consultation with her attorney.