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Florida Medical Association Comes Out Against Medical Marijuana


BRADENTON – The Florida Medical Association has announced its opposition to a proposed state constitutional amendment legalizing medical marijuana. The group says that the amendment does not have enough restrictions on who can prescribe the drug and under what circumstances they can do so.

“We believe the unintended consequences of Amendment 2 are serious and numerous enough for us to believe they constitute a public health risk for Floridians,” wrote FMA President Dr. Alan Pillersdorf in a press release. “The lack of clear definitions in the amendment would allow health care providers with absolutely no training in the ordering of controlled substances, to order medical marijuana.”


The 20,000-member association, which is the largest physicians group in the state, said it could change its position were more studies presented that show marijuana is safe and effective for the treatment of specific illnesses.

The organization urged its membership to refuse to prescribe medical marijuana even if Amendment 2 passes, until products are approved by the Food and Drug Administration.