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Florida Septic Tank Regulations Could be Delayed by Study

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BRADENTON – In 2012, Florida lawmakers passed a bill that prohibited local governments from requiring advanced septic tank systems until a study is completed. Now, the Sarasota-based engineering firm conducting the $5.1 million study of alternative technologies is asking for a one-year extension, which would further delay implementation of septic tank regulations in the state.

HB 1263 required the study beginning in the 2008-09 budget and prohibited the Florida Department of Health from moving forward with nitrogen-reduction regulations until the study was completed. Cities and counties whose regulations went into effect before to January 31, 2012 were exempted.

Last Tuesday, a representative from the engineering firm Hazen and Sawyer told the DOH Research Review Advisory Committee that progress toward completing the study had been delayed by inconsistent funding from the state.

The firm is requesting an extension until January of 2016 to complete the study, which had previously been set for January of 2015.