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For Manatee County Commission D7, We Recommend George Kruse


The Manatee County Commission D7 race features incumbent Republican George Kruse against Democratic challenger Sari Lindroos-Valimaki. D7 is an “at-large” seat, meaning it is contested countywide and will be on all Manatee County voters’ November ballot. 

In his first term, Commissioner Kruse has proven himself a capable public official who eagerly engages his constituents and effectively represents them on a board that has often shown disdain for any citizen who disagrees with its special-interest-driven agenda. He has held an impressive schedule of regular town hall meetings and has been hyper-responsive to citizens who have contacted him via phone and email.

Commissioner Kruse has also done an impressive job of pushing back against this board’s worst inclinations, including the evisceration of wetland protection policies, rampant approvals of rezones that add troubling density east of the urban development boundary, and the loss of crucial revenues via reduced impact fees to benefit the bottom lines of politically-powerful developers.

Kruse has been a stalwart advocate for transparency on an opaque board that has too often stonewalled the press and public when they have requested public information that may be inconvenient to the narrative it sought to present. 

In August’s Republican primary, Commissioner Kruse won a landslide victory against D3 incumbent Kevin Van Ostenbridge, displacing a dangerous public official who was the driving force on each of those aforementioned issues. Given how much turnover this board is about to encounter and the minority bloc of developer-backed commissioners who remain, we believe that his experience and solid command of the issues will allow him to provide the leadership that will be critical to restoring good governance in this community.

Sari Lindroos-Valimaki is a solid candidate who brings an impressive resume to the race. A subject matter expert in IT and cybersecurity with nearly 30 years of experience as a systems/network engineer and security consultant, she is precisely the sort of candidate that we would like to see more of. Her platform has called for increased transparency, sustainable growth practices, the full collection of impact fees, and more protection for our environmental resources.

If Kruse had not prevailed in the August primary, we would be endorsing Lindroos-Valimaki in this race. However, given Kruse’s hard-earned experience as a commissioner on a board that was often hostile toward him and the tremendous need for leadership among the new majority, we believe he is the better option for voters in this race.


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  • aleerandall

    Drunken George Kurse is your recommendation for Manatee County Commissioner! Oh my, is this as good as it gets?

    3 days ago Report this

  • NikkiforPalmetto

    He's earned my vote as well. I was very skeptical, but he has shown personal growth and genuine concern for the county.

    3 days ago Report this

  • Debann

    Felt the need to respond...George's. Job when he was first elected in 2020 was to work for the constituents that voted him in...He sided with the majority of the BOCC and developers not actually for the people...Then he hits a tree while intoxicated and half of the sheriff's department shows up and his little wifey is allowed to take him home,how does that happen?...never mind... then all is well,,he decides to actually do and about face maybe to save face and actually work for his constituents..I voted for him in 2020...I voted for him in August only because of his lousy opponent..but I will now be voting For Sari...thankfully we have options in every district this election year..

    3 days ago Report this

  • Buldog

    What “Debann” said. Don’t forget who he was when he first took the seat. He was part of that crew that participated in replacing a very capable County Administrator. Once he realized that the citizens had enough, he changed his tune. This is the man that discussed his infidelity at one of the earliest meetings and then accused another Board Member of attempting to use it against him. Got out of a DUI because of who he is-special treatment. He may sound solid and concerned now, but we know who he is….a fox in sheep’s clothing. He won’t get my vote.

    3 days ago Report this

  • kmskepton

    I get the consternation from readers regarding the Kruse endorsement. But think about it - why would he have made himself an outsider to the developers and the rest of the BOCC only to turn on his constituents now? Lindroos-Valimaki was a great choice until she publicly opposed residents changing political party to be able to vote in the primary. That's where she lost me. In a very red county, the chance of a Republican winner is very strong and everyone should be able to have our say in representation. If it requires changing party to do it, so be it. Kruse for me! Don't let us down, George!

    Yesterday at 7:16 AM Report this

  • Debann

    THANKFULLY WE CAN VOTE FOR WHOEVER WE WANT...THAT right hasn't been taken away...Just Tal And Diana...Tal lost me at TRUMP

    Yesterday at 8:23 AM Report this