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Former Manatee County Commissioner Misty Servia Resigns from REC


BRADENTON — Former Manatee County Commissioner Misty Servia resigned from the Manatee Republican Executive Committee this week, citing the REC's shift from working to get Republicans elected to political machinations within Republican politics as the breaking point.

Servia, who previously served as the District 4 Commissioner, was targeted by developer Carlos Beruff after refusing to join the effort to fire former Manatee County Administrator Cheri Coryea. Beruff-backed candidate Mike Rahn, the board's current chair, defeated Servia in the 2022 Republican primary.

Seriva and Coryea later teamed up with former Manatee County Commissioner Reggie Bellamy, who was also targeted by developers for his support of Coryea and other votes that did not align with their interests, to start the YouTube show The Big Picture Manatee, which seeks to educate voters on local issues.

Servia sent the REC the following letter of resignation:

Manatee Republican Executive Committee -

It’s with some sadness that I'm writing to resign my membership from the REC (Republican Executive Committee). I have waited a long time before sending this message, and the truth is - you all lost me a long time ago. I don’t want to be affiliated with this group any longer. The tipping point was when the REC recently scheduled a mandatory meeting at the same time as a kick-off fundraiser for local Republican candidate Scott Farrington to reduce participation at his event! WOW! Well, happy to report that effort backfired, as the event was packed with people united against behavior - Just. Like. This.

Most of the Manatee County REC - once committed to electing Republicans - has become a group of small-minded individuals committed to being a part of the local corruption or following lies rooted in propaganda and manipulation. I have been shocked that many who I once held in honor as local heroes were swayed to do the dirty work of others as they shrug their shoulders and quip - “well, that’s politics.” Many of those being led by the ring in their nose don’t even know that those pulling you along refer to you as “useful idiots”. That is a quote that I often heard from one of the local public officials whom many of you support and seeks re-election this year.

I’ll look for the opportunity to return to the REC when this phase plays out, and the party returns to being pro-business, pro-small government, and pro-family. Until then, I’ll watch the REC burn to the ground - and hopefully one day a future generation of Republicans will find their values look back on this dark time - and emerge stronger and smarter, vowing to never allow it to happen again.

Misty Servia
Former Manatee County Commissioner


7 comments on this item

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  • Cat L

    Well said, Misty. I agree that there is a foolish level of grift being passed around as normal. But the flat-out lying.... that's a whole other level of unacceptable.

    Friday, May 31 Report this

  • sandy

    Good for you, Misty. April Culbreath is nothing but another shill for Pedicini. they keep making Scott Farrington out to be a bad guy, but he IS a Republican just not as controllable as James Satcher.

    Friday, May 31 Report this

  • Charles

    Congratulations — hope the hiatus is short before it is safe to return to a party that has lost its way. The more quickly others follow suite, the better.

    Friday, May 31 Report this

  • kmskepton

    Way to go, Misty. You pulled no punches. I am sure it is hard to watch a group you once held close go to the dark side. Best wishes to you.

    Friday, May 31 Report this

  • terridavis17

    Well said Misty.

    Sunday, June 2 Report this

  • nellmcphillips

    Way to go Misty! Standing on your convictions and not bowing to political strong arming. That is what public service should really be about. Political machines are out of control.

    Sunday, June 2 Report this

  • Sandrafreas

    Misty, you have quit at a time when your county committee needs you most. A majority of the floor is now united and seeking the exact reforms you claim to want. They elected a new treasurer and secretary by large margins at last weeks meeting and voted overwhelmingly for a new financial policy. Where were you? Waiting for the party to somehow sort itself out, rid itself of corruption and division, so it can serve you and you can rejoin without doing any of the heavy lifting? I urge you to return and help with the turnaround - sometimes your party needs your service and now is one of those times.

    Monday, June 3 Report this