MANATEE COUNTY-- Polls will be open until 7 p.m. this evening. Get out to your precinct's polling location and exercise your right to vote. A democracy depends on citizens who participate in the selection of their officials and if you don't vote, you don't get a say.
Our democratic republic is facing challenging times and the only way that you can ensure that your voice is heard is to get to the ballot box and weigh in. Live election results will be posted on the Supervisor of Elections website. Click here to find your precinct location and to print off a sample ballot (enter only the forst 2-3 letters of your street name; ie. "Nat" for Nature's Way or 26 for 26th Avenue West).
Visit the Bradenton Times Manatee Voter's Guide to get information about local, statewide and federal candidates. If you haven't made all of your choices yet, print off a copy, check out the candidates, mark your choice and take it to the polls.
Happy Voting!
The Bradenton Times
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