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Governor Singles out Manatee Schools for Ratifying Teacher Deal

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BRADENTON – Only 16 school districts in Florida have been able to conclude negotiations with unions in ratifying a collective bargaining agreement with teachers. Manatee Schools successfully helped to utilize $480 million recently restored to the state's education budget to provide pay increases to teachers, most have whom have gone several years without one.

The governor sent a letter to Superintendent Rick Mills and the other 15 superintendents this week, thanking them for accomplishing the task.

Manatee Schools was able to quickly come to an agreement this summer, which included a $1,750 raise for teachers this school year. It was their first pay increase in four years.

While Governor Scott touted $2,500 "across the board" raises for every teacher in the state, districts were given a lump sum amount from which to decide with their boards and unions how to disperse the funds.

Manatee Schools will use the entire $6.3 million in its allotted state funding in paying the agreed upon raises, which also include a $381 salary increase for teachers aides.