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Gulf Islands Ferry Service Updates Route Map


MANATEE COUNTY —  Effective January 23, 2025, the Gulf Islands Ferry service will operate a two-stop system from the downtown Bradenton Riverwalk Pier to the Historic Bridge Street Pier on Anna Maria Island.

The Anna Maria Island City Pier was damaged by Hurricane Milton, suspending service until the mid-section is rebuilt. Manatee County is working closely with City of Anna Maria officials to expedite the rebuild process with the hopes that service can be restored at the city pier this calendar year.

“Our ongoing goal is to continue to enhance multi-modal transportation via the water ferry service for our residents and visitors to experience and enjoy, while studying every landing option from the downtown corridor to possible additional locations on Anna Maria Island,” said Elliott Falcione, executive director of the Bradenton Area Tourism Bureau.

Weather permitting, service will continue to run Thursday through Sunday. The boats will depart from the Riverwalk Pier beginning at 7:30 a.m. through 7:30 p.m. to the Historic Bridge Street Pier, on Anna Maria Island with service starting at 9 a.m. through 9 p.m. For more information and the full schedule, visit www.gulfislandsferry.com or the Bradenton Area Tourism Bureau website.


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