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Gulf Shore Animal League to the Rescue


BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's Manatee County Commissioner meeting, commissioners were asked to approve the auctioning of one of their Animal Shelter's trucks. The county will often auction off aging equipment in need of minor repair. Sometimes the items sell for a fraction of its value and other times they become priceless. 


The Gulf Shore Animal League is a non-for-profit organization dedicated to the welfare of stray and feral cats in the bay area. They are working with thousands of individuals and many businesses to control and protect the feral cat population. Their goal is to eliminate the unnecessery practice of euthanasia. 


Manatee Animal Control has had a heavy burden lifted by the grace of these volunteers who most often work from their private vehicles with cages to rescue cats in the community. Often times, Animal Control can just phone in a report of a abandoned cat into Gulf Shore's office and they take it from there, saving the county revenue and heartache. 


Manatee County Commissioners suggested that the best way to serve their citizens when providing animal control, was to take the county out of the loop whenever possible. It's the best for the animals because organizations like Gulf Shores find homes and its volunteers often foster their care until they do. So the commissioners voted to donate the animal control truck to Gulf Shore Animal League instead of sending it to auction.


Many agreed the truck was set-up with mulitiple cages and equipment perfect for the deeds of Gulf Shore, and to help them help the county was a win-win situtation. 


Hats off to the County Commissioners and the fine volunteers at the Gulf Shore Animal League.




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