Here are a few to consider:
Our family: No one will ever compare to their intertwined importance. No one will understand us better, accept us more readily, or forgive us as easily.
Children: their innocence is a constant reminder of the best in mankind. They are our future. They provide our hope.
Our country: Even though we may disagree passionately on how best to govern, we all benefit from living in a place of unrivaled potential, a pivotal society that lives in the imagination of the entire world.
Our community: We are blessed to live in a community of unmatched beauty, a cornucopia of mother nature's finest fruits. We have blue waters and powder sand beaches. We have the symphony of songbirds, the exotic company of dolphins, sea turtles and manatees; and we have good people everywhere we turn.
Happy Thanksgiving from the staff of The Bradenton Times.
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