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Help the Bradenton Explorers Attend Annual Competition in Tennessee


BRADENTON -- Donations are being sought to help send the Bradenton Police Department Explorer Post 1004 to the Florida Explorers Boot Camp in October and the Winterfest Competition in February.

The Boot Camp is a rigorous training opportunity to help prepare for the Winterfest Competition. It takes place from Oct. 24-26 at Camp Blanding in Starke, Fla. Winterfest is an annual competition where the Explorers compete against other Explorer posts from surrounding states. It takes place from Feb. 6-8 in Gatlinburg, Tenn.

Money raised will help pay for lodging, food and gas for these trips, said Bradenton Police Officer Kimberly Camacho, who oversees the Explorers. “The Explorers train very hard all year for this competition,” she said. “They do many fund raisers and every bit helps.”

Visit this site to make a donation: http://www.gofundme.com/cjwo6w

Designed for young people interested in a career in law enforcement, Explorer posts help them gain insight into law enforcement through hands-on activities that stress career opportunities, life skills, citizenship, character education and leadership experience. Candidates must be in high school, over 14 years of age with no criminal history and maintain at least a C average.

For more information contact Kimberly Camacho at Kimberly.Camacho@cityofbradenton.com or call (941) 932-9300.