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Jimmy Carpenter to Play Cottonmouth Thursday

BRADENTON – Grammy and Two-time Blues Music Award-winning saxophonist/singer/songwriter Jimmy Carpenter and his band are coming to Cottonmouth Soul Kitchen in Bradenton's Village of the Arts on Thursday, December 8.

Carpenter, who has also been nominated for a Blues Blast Magazine award for best horn player, recently released his new CD, The Louisiana Record on Gulf Coast Records.

"When Mike Zito, my old friend and co-owner of Gulf Coast Records, called to say it was time for me to make another record, I was super excited," Carpenter said of his new album. "When he told me about his idea for a Louisiana-themed cover album, I admit I was skeptical; but the longer I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. As Mike pointed out, there is no doubt that my time in New Orleans redefined me as a musician, and changed me forever on many levels. When he suggested we go down to Dockside Studios, situated on the lazy Vermilion River south of Lafayette, Louisiana, record with iconic New Orleans engineer, Mr. David Farrell, AND work with some of my dearest friends and finest musicians in the Crescent City, I was absolutely sold."

While Jimmy lived in New Orleans for many years, he currently resides in Las Vegas where he also serves as President of the Las Vegas Blues Society and is the Music Director/Talent buyer for the Big Blues Bender festival.

There is a $15 cover charge for the show. Click here for more info.


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