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Jolly Beats Sink in Special Congressional Race


PINELLAS COUNTY -- Republican David Jolly defeated Democrat Alex Sink on Tuesday in the special election for the District 13 House district vacated by CW Bill Young. 

With almost 100 percent of the vote counted, Jolly garnered 48.5 percent, while Sink received 46.7 percent and Libertarian candidate Lucas Overby got 4.8 percent. Sink conceded shortly before 8 p.m.

Over $11 million had been spent on the race, which saw big names and out of state money from both parties trying to give their side an advantage. Because polling had the race so tight, it was seen as a possible bellweather for to November elections.

“I want to extend a big congratulations to David Jolly on his victory tonight," said National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Greg Walden in a statement. "David proved that Pinellas County voters are tired of the devastating policies of this administration. Throughout this campaign, David has outlined his vision on how to grow the economy, create jobs and deliver quality healthcare for Pinellas families.