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Law Enforcement Annual Report Shows Bradenton Crime Rate Rising

Chief Radzilowski

BRADENTON -- After achieving a double digit crime reduction over the last seven years, data indicates that the city saw a 3.3 percent increase in 2011. Chief of Police Michael Radzilowski said that the department saw an upward trend in property crimes, while violent crimes fell by 5.5 percent.

In his report, Radzilowski said that the department is addressing the property crime increase through increased use of a strategic surveillance unit.

Known as the Casual Clothes Unit, the Intel-led policing unit relies on detailed crime analysis and citizen partnerships to thwart would be thefts. The department has been hit with serious reductions over the past three years, as property values fell sharply, draining revenues to the city.

Radzilowski noted in the report that there have been nine positions eliminated during that time for a savings of  $400,000. Click here to view the report in its entirety.