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Letter: Elections Have Consequences

Congratulations to the voters for electing four commissioners who continue to embarrass themselves, their families, and the citizens of Manatee County on what seems like a daily basis. From vaccine-gate to banning abortion clinics that don’t exist to secret text messages to ethics violations to adultery to (suspicion) of DUI to conceal carry for county employees, all this and more, brought to by the quartet of Baugh-Satcher-Kruse-Van Ostenbridge.

"The Gang that Couldn’t Shoot Straight“, or should I say "The Gang that Couldn’t Drive Straight“ has brought nothing but chaos and disgrace upon Manatee County and its citizens, all at taxpayer expense.

Commissioner Kruse is now a two-time offender, having now admitted to an affair at a commission meeting, followed by his latest kerfuffle – a suspicious car crash/(alleged) DUI – in which he quickly went to the old "political witch hunt“ playbook in order to explain his transgression. What happened? Did a member of Antifa or a Democratic operative slip something into his drink and force him to get behind the wheel? Or better yet, Kruse wasn’t behind the wheel, it was a member of Antifa posing as Kruse who crashed his truck into a tree. Let the conspiracies begin!

Since when did DUI become political? I think all of us, Democrats and Republicans alike, can agree that driving while intoxicated is BAD. The calmness in which his wife handled the situation calls into the question that this may not have been a one-time event. The "quick, get in my car and they can’t prove you were behind the wheel“ defense, I must admit, was pretty slick.

Of course, "The Gang of Four“ can’t admit wrongdoing, it's not in their playbook. It’s always a "political witch hunt“, "fake news“ or a "left-wing rag’s“ fault. They only talk about transparency when it’s convenient or fits their narrative. Those transparency placards that Commissioner Van Ostenbridge displays on the dais at commission meetings are nothing but a ruse, making the citizens think that he and his cronies actually care about such matters.

Elections, indeed, do have consequences. I can’t say the four commissioners haven’t done anything. Thanks to their behavior, they have consistently made Manatee County a laughingstock at the local, state and national levels. I hope they are proud of their "accomplishments“.

Michael Polin
Bradenton, FL


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