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Letter: Melissa Gould for County Judge

With the political discord and vitriol taking place across the country, the need has never been greater than now to heal the wounds of division. Empathy, integrity, professionalism, community service and volunteerism are among the hallmarks of leadership, and those are the qualities I am considering when choosing local and national candidates.

Having moved to Manatee County nearly five months ago, I finally have had some time to do my research about the candidates running for political and judicial positions. I have been comforted to see so many qualified men and women on the ballot, and one woman running for judge, Melissa Gould, embodies the qualities I admire most and believe they will make her an effective jurist.

For the past thirty years, I have been involved in politics–from local races–to congressional and presidential campaigns. I also was the communications director of the U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress in Washington, D.C. before I became a full-time author. I have seen great leaders and those simply not up to the task. That is one reason why I have lent my support to candidates that shared my belief that holding public office is a sacred trust–that serving their constituents supersedes any personal or financial gain.

That is why I was so thrilled to meet Melissa Gould, an extraordinary woman running for judge in Manatee County. As a prosecutor, she has had a high conviction rate and a passion for protecting the most vulnerable among us–the elderly, domestic violence and child abuse victims, and even helpless animals. Her concern for crime victims particularly impressed me, as well as her dedication to prosecuting those who choose to violate the law–no matter who they are or their social status.

What moved me the most about Melissa Gould, is her dedication to volunteerism and helping the most vulnerable among us. She has won awards for her volunteerism and integrates her love of service with her professional pursuits. This is a hallmark of a great leader. Melissa Gould will be an outstanding judge and represent the people of Manatee County with the utmost integrity and passion. She has my vote!

Dava Guerin


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