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Letter: Midterm Elections and Our Democracy

"Maybe then, I'll fade away and not have to face the facts." So many sighed in relief as the "Red Wave" broke against the Blue across the country. It didn't break. The House still has 150+ election deniers' in seats. The Senate has five MORE than it did before this Midterm.

We at the edges see this was not a victory, but a holding action.

Do you think the January 6th insurrection is over? As long as Republicans will not all come out and deny the big lie, it is ongoing. While Republicans are trying to elect state officials who will attempt to overthrow election results, they don't like it, it is ongoing.

As long as people are trying to stuff our School Boards with people who want to ban books, it is ongoing. As long as libraries, poll workers, and teachers are getting death threats for doing their jobs, it is ongoing. The next clash is the November 8th Midterms. The Republicans will attempt to discourage or block you from Voting, because the January 6th insurrection is ongoing.

The fight for 2024 starts TODAY. We do not strive to save Democrats, we strive to save democracy.

Kathern Groulx
Manatee County


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