Amidst all the turmoil in the school district, there is a shining light that should not be overlooked in the surrounding chaos. The high school academies were presented awards by the Adult, Career and Technical Education Department at the most recent School Board Meeting.
This was a joint effort by both the teachers and the students to earn nationally recognized industry certifications. There are over 200 industry certifications available in career fields such as medical, business, engineering, construction, agriculture, culinary, communications and more.
In order to receive reimbursement from the state, the students must also obtain a standard high school diploma, pass an industry certification exam, and be part of an academy. This program is sponsored by Workforce Florida, Inc. through the FL Department of Education and affords training opportunities for students who choose to be career ready.
This can only benefit the taxpayers of Manatee County to have skilled workers. This year, the academies earned $386,000 which will be used to support future programs. Lest we forget, in spite of the chaos, there are the teachers who are still doing a good job and inspiring the students.
Linda Schaich
Taxpayer Watch Committee member
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