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Letter to the Editor: Consider the Children in the Citizens Review Program


Dear Editor,

At this time of year, when most of us are thinking about spending time with our families and celebrating family traditions, I also am thinking of those children who are not with their families because they are in local foster homes. I am hoping that incoming Juvenile Judge Scott Brownell will also be thinking of these children over the holidays as he spends time with his family. 


Services that support these children are in jeopardy if he does not agree to continue working with agencies in our community such as the Citizens Review panel, which has been in existence with proven, substantial results and has helped fund several other important family support service programs locally. In a recent meeting he announced that he would be making his final decision in early January. I urge him to seriously consider the impact his one decision will make on these families, children and the community.

Karen Dunn
Panel 5 Chairperson



Citizens Review Panel is too Valuable to Lose

Judge Scott M. Brownell and the Fate of Citizens Review