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Letter to the Editor: Opposed to Long Bar Pointe Changes


A proposal for a change of zoning to accommodate a huge development on Sarasota Bay has been submitted by developers to the seven-member Board of Commissioners of Manatee County.  Two or three weeks ago, two members voted not to consider the developers' proposal for a zoning change for Long Bar Pointe at a future meeting. Those two Commissioners are Robin DiSabatino and Michael Galen.  Thank you Robin and Michael.

The other 5 commissioners who voted in favor of bringing the matter up again on August 6, 2013, seem to be in favor of destroying the only large area of Sarasota Bay that is still a pristine natural environment.  Or, perhaps they are undecided and might still come to realize what the awful results of this proposed development would be.

If this project is approved, it would mean the ripping out 40 acres of mangroves and sea grass; also dredging the bay bottom to accommodate 100' boats, causing more turbidity  of the waters of the bay.  These sea plants are a breeding ground for hundreds of species of sea life, and nurture the young of manatees and dolphins as well as providing nurturing beds for our entire fishing industry.  The danger of spilled oil, and oily filth running into the bay during the washing of many large boats and motors, should also be considered among the detriments to this project.

This is a HIGH HAZARD AREA!!  Let's hope that reasonable heads prevail in this matter.  If you wish to contact your Commissioners, their numbers are as follows:

Karl L. Marshall