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Letter to the Editor: School District's Sneaks in Pay Raises Amid Furloughs

It certainly is disgraceful that Tim McGonegal would demand a pay raise for an administrative employee while also employing furloughs and pay reductions on the teachers. But everybody missed that he snuck in a comparable pay raise in September.  

Look at the September 12, 2011 agenda, Item #42, Board Material.He promoted an Instructional Tech Specialist (whatever that is) making $58,970 to NCLB Specialist (whatever that is) with a salary increase to $67,361.  Almost a $9,000 raise.

How did everyone miss this one? In this same agenda item, there is another promotion from Instructional Tech Specialist making $66,700 to Online Learning Specialist making $70,860.  This is an increase of over $4,000.

If a Board member does not ask that the item be removed from the agenda,  then no one notices, or at least that is what they hope for. Remember that election time is coming closer and we need to get a School Board that will hold Dr. McGonegal to task for these shenanigans.

Linda Schaich