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Letter to the Editor: Taxpayer Money at Risk in Coastal High Hazard Development


Open letter to the taxpayers of Manatee County:

Coastal High Hazard designation is designed to do two things:

1. Protect inlands from severe destruction in the case of a Hurricane or other natural disaster.

2. Local governments' comprehensive plans must restrict development activities where such activities would damage or destroy coastal resources and that such plans protect human life and limit public expenditures in areas that are subject to destruction by a natural disaster.

Long Bar Pointe has a Coastal High Hazard designation. Carlos Beruff of Medallion Homes, Gulf Coast L.L.C., Medallion Homes, Inc., Land Experts Inc., Tampa Bay Equity Fund L.L.C., and Trans-United Development Corporation Inc., is proposing a “destination” development that would not only severely impact Sarasota Bay, but will also affect inlands in the case of a hurricane or natural disaster.

It is the second point that I urge taxpayers to focus on because if we are pounded by a hurricane and or a natural disaster, it will be our tax dollars that will have to repair infrastructure.

Essential Fish Habitat designation as defined by N.O.A.A. is designed to do two things:

1. It is the nursery for our Inshore/near shore Demersal fish such as the Red Drum, Mangrove Snapper, Mullet, Gulf Flounder, Herrings, Anchovies and Snook.  

2. These species require access to unpolluted sea grass, mangroves and salt marsh ecosystem to survive and reproduce.

Again, where Mr. Beruff is proposing to develop falls in that designation. His dredging, increase in water traffic and decline of our sea grasses and water quality violates this designation.

Finally, Intertidal waters of the state are held in public trust. One vision of one developer with many companies cannot and should not trump public good.

Please let your commissioners know that Long Bar Pointe Development must not be allowed to happen. Better yet, plan on attending the commissioner’s meeting at the convention center on August 6 at 1:00p.m.

Holly Clouse


Manatee County 

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Email your county commissioners (click here if you have integrated email, or copy and paste the following addresses into your email's "to:" line: larry.bustle@mymanatee.org, michael.gallen@mymanatee.org, john.chappie@mymanatee.org, robin.disabatino@mymanatee.org, vanessa.baugh@mymanatee.org, carol.whitmore@mymanatee.org, betsy.benac@mymanatee.org)

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