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Letter to the Editor: Vandalism at DEC Headquarters


Dear Editor,

The Manatee County Democratic Party settled into its new facilities earlier this year. Unfortunately, on Monday, April 14, someone "egged" the front windows of the office. That, of course, sounds like something that a badly-brought-up 10 year old might do. One can only hope that an intelligent adult, regardless of his or her political views, would not stoop to such a juvenile and destructive action. I notified  the local Police Department, and I will bring charges in the event that the responsible individuals are apprehended.

America is, in so many ways, a pluralistic society. And one hopes that our differences do not become a reason to attack one another for political or religious or racial or gender differences. E Pluribus Unum: Our of Many, we are One. Let's hope that we all remember that.

Pat Benson,
Manatee County Democratic Party