BRADENTON -- Adoption of Resolution R-12-113, at Tuesday's BOCC Special Meeting, approving FY 2012-2013 grants to the West Coast Inland Navigation District (WCIND), failed to include two of the requests made by the Town of Longboat Key. One, was from its Marine Patrol for the amount of $100,000, but because it supplemented an existing program, WCIND disqualified it, and Manatee County Commissioners agreed.
The second came from the Longboat Key Fire Department, for the amount of $5,000. It too was deemed ineligible by the Executive Director of the WCIND because the request was for additional man hours, which didn't fall under the guidelines to qualify for WCIND grants.
WCIND projects are limited to: navigation improvements, law enforcement, environmental education, boating recreation, and boating safety and education. Commissioners struggled to find Longboat Key's applications acceptable, but were ultimately forced to deny their request..
Last year the BOCC voted not to request WCIND funds for the Longboat Key application. Then, it was due to budgetary issues Longboat Key had in place. The BOCC dipped into its Contingency Reserve Fund for a one-time amount of $30,000 to supply them with one third of what they were requesting from the WCIND.
Longboat Key Town Manager, Dave Bullock, took the position again this year that Longboat Key had different responsibilities than other incorporated areas of Manatee County. Bullock said, "We provide three different sources of funds, general funds, WCIND funds and funds for officers." He also reminded the commission that it a takes a full-time officer to man Beer Can Island, which is seen more as Manatee County property than Longboat Key property.
Commissioners voted to approve the other accepted applications recommended by WCIND, and they vowed to bring Longboat's issues up again before the fiscal year ends (October 31, 2012) and said that they will find another way to get them funds.
Vote on WCIND's recommended grants -- Approved, 6 - 0, Bustle absent.
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