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Local Government BOCC Land Use Meeting Agenda Results: 10/04/2012


BRADENTON -- At Thursday's BOCC Land Use Change meeting, the Plan Amendment PA-12-04 (ORDINANCE 12-25) revising the title of the "North County Gateway Overlay District" to the "Florida International Gateway District." In other business, commissioners decided to join 23 Florida counties in a consortium to receive compensation from the BP fund setup to reimburse coastal counties for losses after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. 

1. Invocation by Allen Wunsch, Baha'i Faith of Manatee County


2. Updates to Agenda

7. Update Memo with Changes to the agenda

Attachment: 121004.pdf


CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)



CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consideration for Future Agenda)

SWEARING IN: All Staff and Public Wishing to Speak

B. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (presentation upon request)

Building and Development Services

3. PDMU-12-05(Z)(G) - Stanley and Deborah Brower-Brower Parcel (DTS#20120146)- Kathleen Thompson-Quasi-Judicial -- Approved, Unanimous

Attachment: Maps-FLU, Zoning and Aerial - PDMU-12-05(Z)(G)-Brower for 10-04-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Staff Report PDMU-12-05(Z)(G) - Brower - 121004 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Specific Approval Letter - PDMU-12-05(Z)(G) Brower BOCC 121004.pdf

Attachment: Zoning Disclosure Affidavit -PDMU-12-05(Z)(G) Brower BOCC 121004.pdf

Attachment: Copy of Newspaper Advertising -PDM-12-05(Z)(G) Brower BOCC 121004.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance PMDU-12-05(Z)(G) BROWER 121004 BOCC.pdf

4. PA-12-04-ORD-12-25, Florida International Gateway Overlay Dist, DTS#20120176, Kathleen Thompson, Legislative --  What started as a marketing idea by Commissioner Joe McClash, to bring focus to the potential that the expanded Port of Manatee and it's surrounding facilities, is now the official trademark: Florida International Gateway. At Thursday's Land Use meeting, the Plan Amendment PA-12-04 ((ORDINANCE 12-25) revising the title of the "North County Gateway Overlay District" to the "Florida International Gateway District" amending all Future Land Use Maps was -- Approved, Unanimous

Attachment: Staff Report PA 1204-ORD 12-25 100412 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: State Land Planning Agency no comment letter PA-12-04Ord 12-25 10-04-12 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Advertising PA-12-04-ORD-12-25 100412 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Ordinance 12-25 PA-12-04 FIG FIRE FLOW - 100412 BOCC.pdf

Attachment: Exhibit A to Ordinance PA-12-04 ORD 12-25 100412 BOCC.pdf

C. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (presentation scheduled)


Natural Resources Department

5. Gulf Coast Consortium -- Manatee County joins with 23 other counties to receive economic compensation for business lost after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The funds will come from the Federal RESTORE Act -- Approved, Unanimous -- (FullStory)

Attachment: RESOLUTION NO R-12-221.pdf

Attachment: ConsortiumAgreement.pdf

Attachment: RLS response.pdf

Attachment: structure.pdf

Attachment: Transition budget.pdf




6. Full Agenda - PDF

Attachment: 121004bc_docs.pdf


DiSabatino -- The new charter school had their ribbon cutting, there are already 600 students signed up. We need to discuss reducing code enforcement fines for new businesses if they pay-up right away.

Gallen -- It's the Palmetto "Relay For Life" cure for cancer coming up on the 18th and we are looking for leaders. I was at the jail last week working on a program that prepares inmates for re-entry into the public. I was there in the capacity of helping to secure funds for the program. And, while driving across the Desoto Bridge I could see that that is the best seat in the house for watching the new skateboard park.

Whitmore -- Palmetto was discussing starting a "Housing Authority" and want members from Bradenton's and Manatee's authority to sit in on their first meeting to offer up some advice.

Chappie -- Just want to thank Commissioner McClash for the brilliant idea and insight and the work he put into the "Florida International Gateway." It was something simple that worked perfectly.