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Local Government Candidate Profile: County Commission District 1: Nathaniel A. Leonard


Candidate: Nathaniel A. Leonard

Party Affiliation: Republican


Age: 36

Hometown: Evansville, In.


Residence: Parrish, FL


Occupation: Counter-terrorism expert


Education: BA degree from Vision Christian College

Nathaniel A. Leonard was born in Evansville, IN. He has a BA degree from Christain College. Leonard is a United States Army War Veteran and served from 1995--1999. In 2004--2012 he participated in: Operation Allied Force Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Leonard is currently employed as a counter terrorism expert. He says, "I am not taking any money from builders and small interest groups. This is totally a grass roots campaign. I am running for the people."

Leonard says that as a commissioner he wants to promote fiscal responsibility through legitimate bidding processes, and not just be a rubber stamp. He wants residents to participate in district meetings and online community forums in order to better voice citizen concerns. Leonard says he will not compromise District 1 to please any outside interests. 

Nathaniel Leonard says he has one overarching ambition: to serve the people of Manatee County and represent their interests at the local level. As an elected official, Nathaniel believes transparency is the key to a vibrant democracy.

"All around us, we see the special interests of an influential few drowning out the needs of ordinary citizens. I have a different vision for Manatee County. I started this campaign because I believe a better world is possible. Unprecedented challenges require bold leadership to find the right solutions."