BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, the Pink Palace Hotel got the green light on 25 county parking spaces that developers say are needed to procure financing and South County and Midtown got a future. Animal Control also adopted a new tethering ordinance designed to improve safety.
1. Rev. Rosemary Backer, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
2. 9:30 a.m. Item 41: PORT AUTHORITY MEETING
3. 10:00 a.m. Item 45: Presentation by FDOT - S.R. 64 Widening Project
CHANGES TO AGENDA (County Administrator and County Attorney)
4. Updates to Agenda
A. AWARDS/PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS Proclamations -- Approved, Unanimous
5. Manatee County Law Enforcement Week
6. Tourism Week -- May 5 - 13 will be Tourist Week. In 2011, over two million visitors came to Manatee County.
7. National Safe Boating Week -- Commissioner McClash presented Ken Weir and Dan Woods with the Proclamation. 700 people die every year in boating accidents, mostly from drowning. May 19 - 25 Safe Boat Week. Wear your life jackets and go to for more safety tips.
8. National Drug Court Month -- Prescription pills are 60 percent of the cases that go through the Drug Court. According to experts, prescription drugs are harder to kick than street drugs and kill more users too. Judge Henderson came in to receive the proclamation with three others he worked with. One, named Scarlett, is a recovering user and is now close to graduating as a para-legal. She wanted to thank all of those running the program, and the commissioners for supplying the funds, allowing her to live free of substance abuse.
9. DUI Court Month -- Since the start of DUI Court, repeat offenders are down 65 percent. There are 170 DUI courts in the US. They save lives, money and property. May 2012 is DUI Court Month in Manatee County.
10. Teen Pregnancy Prevention and Sexual Health Awareness Month -- Children of teen mothers are more likely to become teen mothers themselves. The cost to the country is $8.2 million annually. Teen parents seldom finish high school.
REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda) CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only) Items, #35, #40, #45.
Clerk of Circuit Court
12. Clerks Consent Agenda
13. Flood Insurance
14. Tax Deed Surplus Refund
15. Eminent Domain: 44th Avenue East Project, Phase I, Parcels 106A, 106B, and 706 (Lasater), Approval of Settlement
16. Ware's Creek Project, Phase III, Authorization to commence and to prosecute eminent domain proceedings regarding the proposed construction of storm water improvements
Building and Development Services
17. Request for Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) for Fiscal Years 2017-2018 - Tony Rodriguez
Community Services
18. Children's Services Non Profit Funding Agreements
19. Federal 2012 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant
20. Florida Department of Law Enforcement Federal Fiscal Year 2012 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant
Financial Management
21. Budget Amendment Resolutions
22. Second 10 MG Reclaimed Water Storage Tank and High Service Pump Station at the Southwest Water Reclamation Facility (IFB 12-1144OV)
Manatee County Government Administrative Center Commission Chambers May 8, 2012 9:00 a.m.
Natural Resources
23. Acceptance of a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for restoration work at the Gamble Creek Preserve.
Neighborhood Services
24. Project Jazz - Economic Development Incentive Grant (R-12-095) Attachment: Project Jazz R12095 EDI.pdf
25. Project Summer - Economic Development Incentive Grant (R-12-100) Attachment: Project Summer Resolution R 12 100 for 050812 Agenda.pdf
26. Project Surf - Economic Development Incentive Grant (R-12-094) Attachment: Project Surf R12094 EDI.pdf
27. Project Widewaters Parking Lease Agreement (full story)
28. CDBG-R Grant Close Out - #B-09-UY-12-0018
Property Management
29. Ware's Creek Storm Water Improvement Project - Phase III Certificate of Lands
30. Kentucky Colonel, Inc. property purchase at 15th Street East @ 51st Avenue East Road Project
Manatee County Government Administrative Center Commission Chambers May 8, 2012 9:00 a.m.
Public Safety
31. Regional Public Safety Radio System
Public Works
32. No Parking Ordinance 12-17 - Authorization to set public hearing
33. No Parking Ordinance 12-18 - Authorization to set public hearing
34. JPA Agreement with FDOT Manatee TMC Design and Installation of a Redundant Fiber Connection
35. LAP Agreement with FDOT Traffic Signal Update US 41 / US 301 at Haben Boulevard
36. Corrected Resolution Number -Try Transit Day Attachment: Try Transit Resolution.pdf
37. Annual FDOT Highway Lighting Maintenance and Compensation Agreement Exhibit A Update
Manatee County Government Administrative Center Commission Chambers May 8, 2012 9:00 a.m.
38. Annual FDOT Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement Exhibit A Update
APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA -- Approved, Unanimous
CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consideration for Future Agenda)
Consent Agenda
39. CRA Minutes for Approval -- Approved, Unanimous (FULL STORY on update from CRA's)
Regular Agenda
40. CEDC South County Business Survey Results -- CEDC is working wonders for Manatee County's CRA. The success story coming from both South County and Midtown can be contributed to two special professionals: April Childers and Allison Hewitt. Their hands on leadership is unmatched, and their perception to what can happen when it comes to success is endless. They are doing what few thought was possible: pulling two blighted areas of Manatee County into a future. Manatee thanks you both.
PORT AUTHORITY (Larry Bustle, Chairman)
41. Agenda and materials supplied under separate cover by Port Manatee staff -- Commissioners felt it would be good to get a new handle on the Port's financial activities. -- Approved, unanimous
D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request) Building and Development Services
42. PDMU-11-12(G) - HC Properties, LLC - Shops at Harrison Ranch - continued to June 5, with permission to allow applicant to reserve another continuance in case there is not a full commission. Applicant previously used their allotted continuance. This one was requested by the commission. -- Continuance June 5, 9:00 am. -- Approved, Unanimous.
Public Safety
43. Animal Ordinance 12-10 -- A lot of debate about one item in the proposed ordinance: Commissioners voted on a tethering law that will restrict dog owners from tying up dogs for long periods of time. The ordinance only allows dogs to be tied temporally. Not only is it considered cruel, but more dog bites come from dogs that are tied than from dogs that aren't.
A second part of the ordinance was dropped until attorneys can work on the verbiage. There is a state law prohibiting the sales or transport across state lines of animals without a health certificate. The state only has three inspectors, so the county attempted to write an ordinance that could be enforced locally. The state requires its law be enforced, and mandatory, with up to a $1,000 fine for violating the law. Manatee county wants to start enforcing the proposed ordinance that suggest reducing the fine to $100, and work on educating the public to the many harmful situations that come from selling sick animals. It will be introduced as soon as legal can iron out the wrinkle. Tether law only -- Approved, Unanimous.
44. Purchase of Excess Property Insurance -- James R. Cooney, Deputy County Attorney, Motion to authorize the County Attorney to renew Excess Property insurance coverage effective June 1, 2012 for a premium not to exceed $3,794,809 and coverage for the Lake Manatee Dam for a premium of $277,380.67, totaling $4,072,189.67 and to allow the County Attorney or his designee to execute all necessary documents. The new premium is for increased coverage with a savings of $100,00 from the previous amount. -- Approved, Unanimous
G. REPORTS Public Works
45. S.R. 64 Widening Project - Presentation by FDOT-- Lance Grace, Operations Engineer for The Florida Department of Transportation presented the proposed improvements for the S.R. 64 improvement project. There will be roadway widening and resurfacing of all lanes, 12 foot right turn lanes, five foot sidewalks, drainage improvements, signal improvements and landscaping. Improvements will run from West of Carlton Arms Blvd. to Interstate 75, Manatee County.
Construction will started, April 16, 2012, and will be completed Fall 2013. Contractor: Better Roads Inc.
46. Full Agenda - pdf format
COMMISSIONER COMMENTS ADJOURN Commissioners talked on how they can improve their service to the public.
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