BRADENTON -- Thursday the BOCC approved a 1,282 unit development to be built on 656 acres on the outskirts of Parrish. The area, already equipped with an elementary school and the promise of a Ft. Hamer bridge, also has plans to build 100,000 sq. ft. of commercial space (approval did not include commercial tract).
The property, east of Ft. Hamer Road, south side of Golf Course Road, and north of Mulholland Road, was purchased by Medallion Homes from the troubled Cross Creek Community Development. The plan is for a gross density of 1.95, reserving 48 percent, or 314 acres for open space and a 32.7 acre recreational area.
The zoning changes from Agriculture to Suburban Residential and lots will be held to 4,000 sq. ft. The units are comprised of 702 single family detached, 174 single family attached,156 single family semidetached, and 250 multi family units. Development structures heights will be limited to 35 feet.
The overall wetland acreage is 91.54, with less than one half acre being impacted. The applicant has not yet indicated how they will achieve wetland mitigation for the impact. Further SWFWMD approval will be required prior to project completion.
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