BRADENTON -- At Tuesday's BOCC meeting, members approved signing 3,000 Manatee Health Network contracts over to Manatee Glens. In other business, Commissioners discussed the opposition surfacing to Florida Power and Light's installment of smart meters, and all in the commission said goodbye to Commissioners Donna Hayes and Joe McClash. Tuesday was the last day they would be seated, before being replaced by incoming members Vanessa Baugh and Betsy Benac.
1. Invocation led by Pastor Bob Sichta, Congregational United Church of Christ
CHANGES TO AGENDA (County Administrator and County Attorney)
Awards and Presentations
3. November Employee of the Month - Cody Bentley
Attachment: Bentley_Cody_EOM.pdf
4. 2012 Florida Master Naturalist Program Uplands Module - Presentation of Certificates of Completion
Attachment: Florida Master Naturalist 2012 Award Ceremony.pdf
Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, Unanimous
5. Reverend Don Roberts Day - November 30, 2012
Attachment: proc_roberts.pdf
REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda) -- Consent Agenda Items # 8, #11 and #25 pulled for discussion and vote
CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)
Clerk of Circuit Court
Attachment: 20121113.pdf
7. Designation of December 31, 2012 as an official County holiday
8. 2012 County Held Tax Certificates
Attachment: Ltr_KBurton.pdf
Attachment: TC_Printout_TaxCert.pdf
Attachment: NtctoProceed.pdf
Attachment: Form DR-512.pdf
Attachment: Rule 12D-13.060.pdf
Attachment: FS 197.502.pdf Commissioner Joe McClash wanted to know the circumstances, location and description of the property. He suggested more information be provided. -- Approved, Unanimous
9. Balfour Beatty In re: Manatee County Judicial Center RLS 12-201; CAO File No. 8000-044
Attachment: Remediation and Access Agmt w Ex 1-5.pdf
Attachment: AerialMap_SubjectProperty.pdf
Attachment: USACOE_R-12-250_TempWorkAreaEasement_StagingAreaPhaseIIa.pdf
Attachment: USACOE_Easement_WorkArea_CorpsEngineers_Exp2014_0131.pdf
11. Release of Right of First Refusal, Amendment to Conservation Easement; Cypress Creek/Bennett Park
Attachment: Bennett Park Amendment.pdf
Attachment: Bennett Park Release.pdf -- A pending real estate transaction required a right of first refusal be settled to an adjacent conservation easement. -- Approved, Unanimous
12. Resolution R-12-249, relative to the posting of surety bonds by County Officers.
Attachment: DOC000.pdf
Building and Development Services
Attachment: BOCC Attachments 11-13-12 Barber.pdf
14. Whitney Brink and Tara Rodman (fka Marc H. Rodman), Case No. CE2006080664
Attachment: BOCC Attachments 11-13-12 Rodman.pdf
15. FINAL PLAT - Country Club East at Lakewood Ranch, Subphase QQ, Unit 1, Phase 2C, aka Belleisle
Attachment: Belleisle, Phase 2C.pdf
Attachment: 2012 Tax Receipts-Final Plat CCE@LWR, Subph QQ, Unit 1, Ph 2C, aka Belleisle.pdf
16. FINAL PLAT - Country Club East at Lakewood Ranch Subphase RR aka Haddington
Attachment: Articles of Incorporation & Bylaws for Haddington.pdf
Attachment: Application_Haddington.pdf
Attachment: Tax Receipt.pdf
Community Services
17. Manatee County Health Department FY2012-2013 State-County Contract
Attachment: FY2013 State-County Contract.pdf
18. FY 2012-2013 Non-Profit Agency Funding Agreements
Attachment: Sample Agreement.pdf
19. Driver's Education Safety Trust Fund
Attachment: Master School Board Contract2013.pdf
Attachment: Drivers Education Budget Amendment 2013.pdf
20. FY2013 Children's Services Nonprofit Agency Agreements
Attachment: Sample Agreement.pdf
21. FY2012-2013 Agreement for Drug Court Services
Attachment: Manatee Glens Drug Court Counselor.pdf
Attachment: Budget Admendment DUI-Drug Court.pdf
Financial Management
22. Budget Amendment Resolutions
Attachment: B-12-069 Resolution_Narrative.pdf
23. Budget Amendment Resolutions
Attachment: B-13-013 Resolution_Narrative.pdf
24. S.T.A.R.T - Red Tide Agreement
Attachment: FY13 START Agreement.pdf
25. Sale of County Asset - Manatee Health Network (MHN) * Eschenfelder
Attachment: DOC686.pdf
Attachment: DOC687.pdf -- Manatee County is consigning the Manatee Health Network contracts over to Manatee Glens, a total of 3,000 contracts. -- Approved, Unanimous
Neighborhood Services
26. Execution of FY 2012/13 HOME Funding Approval Amendment
Attachment: HUD E-Mail - HOME Amendment - Oct 29 2012.pdf
Attachment: HUD - VGR Approval Letter - Oct 2012.pdf
Attachment: HOME Funding Amendment - Oct 29 2010.pdf
Attachment: Resolution No. B-13-014 - BA HOME FY12-13 Grant Reduction.pdf
27. Suncoast Workforce Board Appointment
Attachment: Suncoast Board Gov Letter November 13 2012.pdf
Attachment: Chamber Letter.pdf
Attachment: Workforce Board Questionnaire.pdf
28. Revisions to the Housing Program Internal Policies * Cooney
Attachment: RESOLUTION R-12-247.pdf
Attachment: CAO Response to Hsg Policy Revision.pdf
Attachment: Revised Housing Policy3.pdf
Parks and Recreation
Attachment: G T Bray West LL_CAO_Memo_9_11_92_Assigning_RLS.pdf
Attachment: G T Bray West LL_Dept Memo of 1993 requesting Transition Agreement.pdf
Attachment: GT Bray West LL_Transition Agreement.pdf
Attachment: West LL_9_9_92 RLS.pdf
Attachment: RLS-12-066 Religious Little League Pledge.pdf
Attachment: New Manatee West LL Clubhouse Building Agreement.pdf
Attachment: Resolution R-12-175 Lease Agreement Authorization.pdf
Attachment: Bogue Refund.pdf
Public Works
Attachment: Surplus List 11-13-12.pdf
Attachment: Reconciliation List 11-13-12.pdf
Attachment: R-12-244 .pdf
32. 2013 Year Community Transportation Agreements
Attachment: Signed Coordination Agreement by Providers.pdf
33. Waiver of Tipping Fees - 2013 Manatee County Fair
Attachment: Tipping Fee Waiver Ltr 2013 Fair.pdf
APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA -- Approved, Unanimous
CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consideration for Future Agenda)
CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Donna G. Hayes, Chairman) -- No business
COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Robin DiSabatino, Chairman) -- No business
PORT AUTHORITY (Larry Bustle, Chairman) -- No business
D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)
Property Management
Attachment: APPL honda 1of2.pdf
Attachment: Appl honda 2of.pdf
Attachment: Honda Cars US41 Loc Map.pdf
Attachment: RLS 1122012.pdf
Attachment: RESOLUTION HONDA 1122012.pdf
Attachment: plot plan 1.pdf -- For years was considered to be a low grade wetland. They are unsure if it is manmade or natural. It sat between two borrow pits, but will no longer be considered a conservation easement. The three-acre area will be rehabbed, stripped of non-native species and a wetland recreated with native species. -- Approved, Unanimous
35. Adoption of Resolution R-12-243, Closing and abandonment of roads , HRK Holdings, LLC
Attachment: John Piplack's plat 2 145.pdf
Attachment: Resolution R12243.pdf
Attachment: Survey .pdf
Attachment: wade email approval.pdf
Attachment: oande.pdf
Attachment: air products advertisment.pdf
Attachment: Air Products Disclaimer Loc Map.pdf -- A 15 ft. wide and 1,342 ft. long strip of land, for decades seen as an unused right-a-way, will be closed off and delineated as a street road. -- Approved, Unanimous
E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)
Building and Development Services
36. Dentsply International, Inc. - Brownfield Designation - Kathleen Thompson
Attachment: 121113_docs.pdf
Commissioner McClash -- Five of seven days, libraries will be closed. That's too many, at least the main library should be open some of those days. The community relies on those services, for some it's there only access to the internet for things like job applications. We should figure out something to make the community services available.
Commissioner Hayes -- Most of the developments were already approved when I got here. One thing I am proud of is helping to turn the commission around to being more pro-business.
Commissioner Whitmore -- Someone called me, wanting me to do something about Smart Meters. I told her they were already in Manatee county, that we were the only county left and it was FPL's policy and we couldn't do anything about it.
Commissioner McClash -- FPL gave a presentation at the Council of Governments. They said there were no privacy issues, no more frequency then a cell phone. There is strong opposition to electric fields.
Commissioner Bustle -- Someone called me and he seemed well informed about these meters. Wouldn't hurt to have dialog, can't kiss this one off. I think we should consider a workshop or public meeting of some sort.
Commissioner Chappie -- I want to make a motion to change the timeline on the transition to appoint the commission's chair and vice-chair person and the port's chair and vice-chair too. Move it from November 20, to the 27th. -- Approved, Unanimous
Commissioner Chappie -- A few months ago we requested staff to sent a letter to the school board suggesting they consider contacting the clerk of the court, regarding using an outside comptroller. They remedied their situation, and I would like to make a motion to tell staff to not send the letter. There is no need to. -- Approved, 5 to 2, Whitmore and McClash dissenting.
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