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Local Government Manatee County Commission Agenda Results: August 8, 2012


BRADENTON --  At the BOCC Meeting Tuesday, Port Director Carlos Buqueras was praised for exceeding expectations in his first official evaluation. His broad-based perspective and multi-lingual talents are working out well for putting Florida's International Gateway on the map. During Citizen Comments, two 6th graders from Rubonia gave a presentation on their vision of Lincoln Elementary that would have made the most seasoned urban planner green with envy.

1. Invocation led by Rev. Rosemary Backer, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church


CHANGES TO AGENDA (County Administrator and County Attorney)

2. Updates to Agenda

Attachment: 120807_update.pdf


Awards and Presentations

3. July 2012 Employee of the Month Nicki Bentley

Attachment: Bentley_Nomination.pdf

Proclamations (Motion required to adopt proclamations) -- Approved, 6 - 0,  Hayes absent

4. Proclamation for Purple Heart Day

Attachment: proc_purple heart.pdf

5. Proclamation for National Breastfeeding Month

Attachment: proc_breastfeeding.pdf

REQUEST BY COMMISSIONERS (Items to be pulled from Consent Agenda) --Items #12 and #19 were pulled. 

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consent Agenda Items Only)


Clerk of Circuit Court

6. Clerks Consent Agenda

Attachment: 20120807.pdf


7. Resolution in Support of Restoring and Maintaining Future State Funding for the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council

Attachment: TBPRC Resolution (EDIT).pdf


8. Eminent Domain Settlement: Ware's Creek Project, Parcel W-297.1 (Forshey)

Attachment: AGENDAMEMO_Parcel 297_ATTACHMENT_AerialMap_2012_0807.pdf

Attachment: StipFJ_P297_wAtt.pdf

Building and Development Services

9. Clifton J. Martin Jr., Code Enforcement Case No. CE2009070259

Attachment: BOCC Attachments 8-7-12 Martin.pdf

Community Services

10. Florida Department of Transportation Litter Removal Program * Wade

Attachment: KMB RESOLUTION R-12-149.pdf

Attachment: Proposed New Agreement BDU24 Manatee BOCC.pdf

Attachment: RLS 12-208.pdf

11. Provision of funding to Manatee Glens for Baker Act and Inpatient Detox Service

12. FY2013 Children's Services Funding -- Commissioner McClash wanted to know what the recommendations were for the following year. Approved, Unanimous

Financial Management

13. Budget Amendment Resolutions

Attachment: Sheriff Steube Letter.pdf

Attachment: B-12-058.pdf

14. SWWRF Lake Filtration System and North Pond Improvements (IFB#12-1310OV)

Attachment: McKimCreed Recommend. to Award..pdf


Attachment: Tabulation.pdf

Attachment: Agreement.pdf

Natural Resources

15. Interlocal agreement for City of Bradenton use of Tree Trust Funds

Attachment: City of Bradenton Tree Trust agreement.pdf

Attachment: City of Bradenton Tree Trust application.pdf

Attachment: ELMAC letter.pdf

Attachment: City of Bradenton letter.pdf

Attachment: B-12-061 City of Bradenton Tree Trust BA.pdf

16. Use Tree Trust Funds for Jiggs Landing

Attachment: Jiggs Landing Tree Trust Fund application.pdf

Attachment: B-12-059.pdf

17. Beach Renourishment State Funding

Attachment: beach renoursihment.pdf

Attachment: Resolution_12-168_bch_funding.pdf

Neighborhood Services

18. Economic Development Incentive Revisions for Project Atom R-12-166

Attachment: R12-126.pdf

Attachment: Project Atom R 12 166.pdf

19. Widewaters Bradenton, LLC Funding Agreement

Attachment: Widewaters Funding Agreement.pdf -- Commissioner McClash said, "I don't like the funding, It's a philosophical difference," adding, "I look at the return on property taxes." Commissioner DiSabatino said, "I understand what commissioner McClash is saying. We're trying to work with the city and make this all happen." Commissioner Hayes added, "If we decline this, we are sending a message." Commissioner Whitmore agreed, "We need this partnership." Commissioner Gallen said, "We could try and see if an EDI (Economic Development Incentive) grant is available." -- The $125,000 funding agreement -- Approved, 6 to 1, McClash dissenting

Parks and Recreation

20. American Cancer Society Refund

Attachment: American Cancer Society.pdf

21. Florida Junior Golf Council Grant

Attachment: Florida Junior Golf Council Grant Agreement.pdf

Property Management

22. CSPR, Ltd. property purchase for sidewalk improvements to the intersection of US 301 at Chin Road.

Attachment: WDCSPR.pdf

Attachment: AOECSPR.pdf

Public Safety

23. Removal of Uncollectible EMS Accounts for Accounts Receivable

Attachment: June 2012 Resolution R-12-160 with ATT. A and B.pdf

Attachment: Attachment C.pdf

Public Works

24. Surplus Equipment

Attachment: R-12-165.pdf

Attachment: Surplus Items.pdf

Attachment: Reconciliation Items.pdf

25. Surplus Vehicles

Attachment: Vehicle List 8-7-12.pdf

26. MCAT Transit Development Plan Annual Update

Attachment: TDP Annual Update 2011-2012.pdf

Attachment: R-12-152.pdf


27. Service Fee Waiver

Attachment: Service Fees.pdf


28. Motion to approve Consent Agenda -- Approved, Unanimous

CITIZEN COMMENTS (Consideration for Future Agenda) -- 6th graders, Tyreke Lee, his twin brother Tyrell, their uncle, Moody Johnson and the boys' grandfather, Reverend W.D. Sims, all showed up Tuesday at the BOCC meeting to give us a civics lesson. During Citizen's Comments, Tyreke took over the podium with an eloquent demeanor and an articulate voice of profound clarity. "I want to see some changes," he said, and then pulled out a very defined sketch of the property at the Rubonia Civic Center, placed it on the overview, and described his request. With all of the precision of a boardroom presentation, Tyreke and Tyrell amazed the commission and audience alike. (More on this story to follow).


Neighborhood Services

29. South County CRA Advisory Board Appointments

Attachment: JohnSolomon-SouthCountyCRAApplication.pdf

Attachment: JohnMann-SouthCountyCRAApplication-.pdf

Attachment: Agenda MatrixSouthCountyCRA Board Appointment August 6 2012.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

30. 14th Street West CRA Advisory Board Appointment

Attachment: PhyllisDobbins-14thStWCRAApplication.pdf

Attachment: Agenda Matrix 14th St W CRA Board Appointment August 6 2012.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY (Donna G. Hayes, Chairman)


PORT AUTHORITY (Larry Bustle, Chairman) -- 

Open Port Authority Meeting --

The consent and regular agenda items for any Port Authority meeting are set forth in the Port Authority meeting agenda materials notebook as supplied by Port Manatee staff prior to and at the commencement of the meeting of the Port Authority.

31. Port Authority Agenda and Supporting Documents

Attachment: Port Agenda 8-7-12.pdf

Attachment: CB Eval 07312012.pdf -- Port Director Carlos Buqueras gets praise and vote of confidence for meeting commissioner expectations in his first six month evaluation. -- Approved, Unanimous - (More on this Story to Follow)

Close Port Authority Meeting

D. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentations Upon Request)


32. Rate Resolution R-12-163 Wastewater Sludge Processing Fees

Attachment: Resolution No. R-12-163 Sludge Processing.pdf

Attachment: Proof of Publication (07-25-12).pdf

Attachment: Affidavit of ad R-12-163.pdf -- Approved, Unanimous

E. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS (Presentation Scheduled)




33. Full Agenda - pdf format

Attachment: 120807_docs.pdf


34. Commissioner Comments 

Commissioner DiSabatino --  I am speechless

Commissioner Gallen -- There is an August 18 'Back to School' event at Lincoln Middle School highlighting community resources and children's sports, including tennis and a back-pack give away.

Commissioner Whitmore -- On the Island, tourism has not died down yet. Things are going well.


Commissioner Hayes --  At the Chick-fil-A, it was a packed house. We were lined up through the parking-lot. The next day, there was a line there again, 'In the name of Freedom.'

Commissioner McClash -- The West-side is coming back.


Commissioner Chappie -- Where are we with the bath-salts? We've tackled the pill-mills and the methadone clinics. 


Commissioner Bustle -- No Comment




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